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King Kobold Revived
King Kobold Revived

King Kobold Revived


3.50 (1127 ratings)
Completely revised by the author...the new second book in his warlock Series.Here's Gramarye, a gentle planet where, in the Thirty-first Century, people choose the life-style of medieval England; except they're prejudiced against and persecute their witches and warlocks (espers, naturally).Rod Gallowglass (dubbed High Warlock in spite of himself) is stationed there as an agent of the intergalactic DDT--Decentralized democratic Tribunal--to protect the precious esper colony from its primitive fellow Gramaryans, and to insure a gradual integration.This already whacky society is stirred up with a batch of paranoid esper Neanderthals led by the strane King Kobold, brought in by alien futurians to destroy those espers so vital to DDT's future.When this unhealthy mess starts brewing, our warlock-cum-everyman is the one to watch.
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